Control and disposal of plant wastes are major concerns. Optimum use and reduction of waste are essential goals of economic production in all plants. From a plant sanitation standpoint, there are two vital concern swith waste disposals: (1) Plant waste contains most of the contaminants and disease-producing and product-spoiling microorganisms from the plant production processes; (2) plant wastes attract pests such as insects and rodents.

1. Organic Waste Disposal

When disposing of organic wastes such as feathers, viscera, blood , and manure, the following guidelines should be considered:

  • Waste materials should not be allowed to accumulate on or near the premises.
  • Waste should be disposed of with out creating insanitary or objectionable conditions.
  • Waste should be removed daily.
  • Holding bins should be cleaned before reuse and protected from insect and rodent harborage and infestations.

2. Rubbish Removal

Rubbish, such as paper towels, cartons, office waste, and labeling materials, can become a sanitation problem. The following guidelines should be followed when removing rubbish:

  • Suitable containers should be conveniently located throughout the plant and emptied frequently.
  • The accumulation of rubbish before its removal should not cause a nuisance.
  • Plant refuse should be removed daily, or more often if necessary, to prevent a nuisance.

Appendix B—Guidelines for Developing Partial Quality Control Programs (PQC’s)


Guidelines for Developing Partial Quality Control Programs Overview

Quality control programs are essential to the proper functioning of any meat or poultry processing establishment.

Processors have found quality control is good business because it can reduce costs, control product uniformity, and ensure that proper standards are being maintained throughout the production cycle. By in creasing controls over raw ingredients, processes, and other variables, effective quality control systems can ensure compliance with company specifications and with the guidelines and requirements of the Department of Agriculture. Although in – plant inspectors have a role in the oversight of these programs, quality control is a man agement function and plant management should develop and implement effective quality control plans specific to their process and products.

There are many approaches plants can take to ensure quality control. Some plants do not take any special measures during production, and changes are made only on finished product. Some plants in corporate preventive measures, such as product testing, durin g processing, and others undertake a series of specific actions to prevent mistakes and to ensure that products meet consumer expectations. Whether limited or comprehensive, a quality control system should be in the written record of the plant. As experience is gained, the record keeping system may be improved by focusing on ‘‘hot spots’’ which are responsible for the major problems, revising specifications, or upgrading them to include sensitive testing devices, for example.

Proper documentation of plant activities will become increasingly important in a HACCP in sp ection environment. Proper documentation of any in-plant process can save time and money and result in fewer mistakes by the establishment. The degree and complexity of the records depend on the scope of the processing operation; Completeness of the records is also a reflection of management commitment to quality control.

Plant or corporate management support is the key to a successful quality control program. Plant personnel will sense a lack of commitment to quality if management support is not apparent.

Good quality control managers do not necessarily have to use comp lex, expensive methods to ensure control. Experience has shown that successful establishments function smoothly by paying close attention to the basics, documenting the process when it is running smoothly and when problems occur, and making necessary corrections as quickly as possible.